- The duke wrote a letter with a quill pen. 公爵用一根羽毛笔写信。
- The sharpened point of a quill pen. 笔尖鹅毛笔磨细的尖
- Shakespeare's tool was the Elizabethan English language, not a quill pen. 第一段以前是看过了,没想到还有其他的!
- One question that is asked repeatedly is why Harry has to use a quill pen? 一个多次被问及的问题是:哈利为什么要用羽毛笔?
- A quill pen on writing paper demands care, attention to grammar, tidiness, controlled thinking. 用羽毛笔在写字纸上书写要求你小心翼翼、注意语法、整洁、克制思考。
- Don't you think it looks like an antique quill pen? 你看它的样子像不像一根鹅毛笔呢?
- To wind(thread or yarn) onto a quill. 将(线或纱)绕在纡管上
- Beside them the compradore represented the age of the quill pen and the letter-copying press and all the other business gadgets of the days before the Civil War. 除了他们之外,买办代表著国共内战之前,一个毛笔、活版印刷机与所有其他商业小玩意的时代。
- It's a handy, all purpose blade originally developed to trim quill pens. 这是种便利的、用途广泛的刀刃,最初是为了修整羽毛笔发展起来的。
- He wrote with a quill. 他用羽毛笔写字。
- They are to be recognized by the quill pens which they wear in the cord of their hat. 我们只须看插在帽带上的鹅毛笔,就可以认出他们来。
- If the yarn is to be used as filling in shuttle looms it must be repackaged on a quill. 如果纱线用作有梭织机的纬纱,则必须重新卷绕在纬管上。
- She delved in her bag and pulled out a pen. 她在提包里翻找,拿出一枝钢笔。
- Former US presidential candidate Al Gore wins a Quill award for his book An Inconvenient Truth. 前美国总统候选人戈尔一书中翮奖不便的真理。
- Charles bought a pen at the dime store. 查尔斯在廉价店买了一支钢笔。
- This is called building a quill by chase lengths or chasing a quill, and the traverse is called a progressive reciprocating traverse. 此过程可称为用往复卷绕长度卷绕纬管,此往复运动叫做步进式往复运动。
- Don't make so much fuss over losing a pen. 别为了丢失一支笔就这样大惊小怪。
- It could be that writing about magic requires an enchanted writing implement, and no one has come up with a spell to enchant anything other than a quill. 也可能在书写有关魔法的内容时需要一种书法的魔力,而没有人想得出比羽毛笔更具魔力的咒语了。
- You would write better if you had a good pen. 要是有枝好笔,就能写得更好。
- The design is loosely based on a quill and inkwell where by the quill is the writing apparatus and the inkwell is an electromagnetic induction charger. 这个设计类似于羽毛笔和墨水池,“羽毛笔”是书写工具,“墨水池”是个电磁感应充电器。